This week started out with the news
that our school copy machine was not working.
It wasn't working until Wednesday afternoon.
For some of the staff, this was devastating news.
For the rest of us, we just decided to go with the flow.
I took it as an opportunity to think outside the box.
How can I teach this without a copied activity sheet?
My Five for Friday is a list of some activities I used this week.
1. Practicing Area with Tape Rectangles
I used tape to make some rectangles on the floor
and my students went around finding the area of each one.
It looked like this except they were rectangles.
This is a picture from another blog.
I would have shared my pictures except my four year old
dropped my phone in the toilet and it died.
I lost the pictures I took of the activity.
Yes, I did try the phone in a bag of rice thing.
New phone for me!!
2. Grammar - Complex and Compound Sentences
I took a screen shot of a kid friendly article.
I projected it onto our white board.
The kids came up and underlined complex
and compound sentences in the article.
3. Dry Erase Boards
Dry Erase Boards
and more
Dry Erase Boards
4. Math Games with .... Dry Erase Boards
One new idea I tried was having the kids
save their boards to show me the work they completed.
This way I was able to work with a small group
and those playing the games were being held accountable
for their work.
I also sent a few back to correct computation errors.
5. Construction Paper for Main Idea Organizer
The top rectangle was the main idea of our article.
The other three were supporting details.
In other news...
I reached the 500 followers milestone.
As a huge thank you for all the support,
I'm having a sale over at my store.
Be sure to check out some of my top selling items!
Sorry about the pictures being all over the page.
I couldn't get them to fit in the right places.
Have a great weekend!