Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Paper Snowball Fight - Help to Get the Wiggles Out

The call just came that school is cancelled for tomorrow!
It's going to be too cold for the kids to safely get to school.
The kids haven't gone out for recess the past two days because...
it was too cold.
That's Chicago weather for you!

When the kids don't go out, 
they are nutty the rest of the day.
On "No Recess" days, I try to keep them active in the afternoon.
During math, we were doing a ton of paper cutting
for our interactive notebooks.
I told the kids to throw the scraps on the floor 
as they cut their paper.
The first time you tell them to do this,
you are going to get a ton of weird looks.
"Has my teacher gone crazy?"

When we finished cutting, 
it was time for the fight.
I reviewed the rules ahead of time:
1. No throwing paper at faces.
2.  When I say "stop" you need to stop immediately and clean up.

The snowball fight began and the kids LOVED it!
They threw the paper and kept picking more off the floor.
I gave them a minute of fun.
When I said, "Stop,"
everyone stopped.

It was a short amount of time,
but it got a few of the wiggles out.

What are some fun activities you use for "No Recess" days?


  1. I love that idea - so fun! Just Dance videos are my go-to for indoor days, luckily the students aren't bored of them . . . yet!

    Love to Learn

  2. We didn't have school today either because of the cold! We finally get snow and it's too cold for the kids to play in it :(. I love the idea of an indoor snowball fight though! My students would love that! Enjoy your day off!


  3. I'm totally going to do this with my kids tomorrow! (If we don't have another snow day!) What a great idea!

  4. Go Noodle, yoga, but the general favorite is "Silent Ball." Kids clean off desks and then sit on them cross-legged. The "ball" is given to a student who tosses it to someone and continues to be thrown around. The rules are simple...if you get off your desk or make a noise you are out and must sit down on the floor. First one out handles balls that go out of bounds. If the ball is thrown too hard or a deliberate attempt to get a person out, the thrower is out. If the recipient misses the catch, touches but doesn't catch, or makes a sound, he or she is out. You keep doing it until 3/4 of the class is out.. At that point, they can no longer hold the ball while deciding where to toss it. Last one still on their desk is the winner. I use a soft Nerf ball so that hits don't actually hurt.
